What is a Will and Why Do I Need One?

Planning for the unexpected can make a huge difference for you and your loved ones.

A will is an important estate-planning tool. By using a will, you can name the people who will receive your assets when you pass. If you pass without a will, a court will make these important decisions for you. The steps you take today could make a big difference for your future. Members Trust Company is here to work with you and your attorney to put an appropriate plan in place to protect you, your loved ones, and your assets. This article will explore the significance of a will while offering helpful information about its form and function.

Defining a Will

Simply stated a will, also known as a last will and testament, is a legally binding document that outlines your wishes for the distribution of your assets and property after your death. It is a critical tool for ensuring that your wealth and belongings will be distributed in accordance with your preferences.

When crafting a will, it is important to consider all of your assets, including real estate, personal property, financial accounts, and any other possessions of value. Your will can outline how these assets are to be distributed, as well as any specific instructions for their use or management.

In addition to asset distribution, a will can name a guardian for your minor children. The will can designate a person or professional fiduciary, known as the executor or personal representative, to manage your affairs after your death, including the payment of debts and taxes, the sale of property, and the distribution of assets.

It is essential to keep your will up-to-date and valid, especially if significant life changes occur, such as a marriage, divorce, birth of a child, or acquisition of new assets. A poorly crafted or outdated will can cause undue stress and complications for your loved ones, resulting in extended legal battles, confusion, and uncertainty.

Choosing Between Different Types of Wills 

When crafting a will, it is important to choose a type that aligns with your objectives and circumstances. There are several kinds of wills, including a simple will, pour-over will, living will, and holographic will.

simple will is the most basic form of a will, outlining the distribution of one’s assets and property upon their death. This type of will is suitable for individuals with relatively straightforward estates, limited assets, or uncomplicated family structures.

For those with more complex estates, a living trust, also known as a revocable trust, may be a better option. A living trust is a legal document that allows you to transfer ownership of your assets to a trustee, who manages them on your behalf and distributes them to your beneficiaries according to your wishes over a period of time.

pour-over will works in conjunction with a trust and directs assets to be moved into the trust upon your passing. This type of will provides added protection and can ensure that your wishes will be followed, even if you forget to transfer an asset to your trust.

holographic will is a handwritten will that is signed and dated by the individual who created it. This type of will is legal in some jurisdictions, but not in others, and typically has to meet specific legal requirements in order to be considered valid. Holographic wills are typically used in emergency situations when an individual does not have access to a formal will and needs to quickly outline their wishes.

It is important to carefully consider which type of will is appropriate for your unique circumstances and wishes. An experienced estate planning attorney can help you navigate the complexities of the various types of wills.

Naming an Executor

Settling an estate can be complicated, and choosing the right executor requires thoughtful consideration. After all, serving as the executor of an estate is a big responsibility, one that requires significant time, effort, and expertise. Your executor will be responsible for initiating the probate process, handling legal and financial matters, paying off any debts, and distributing your assets. Taxes, real estate, and investments should be considered. A professional executor has experience in handling these matters, ensuring minimum fuss and maximum efficiency.

Unfortunately, disputes between family and friends can cause issues in an estate administration. Choose an executor who is impartial and able to mediate disputes, mitigating any issues that may arise during the probate process. Consider a professional executor who will remain impartial, helping to minimize family discord. By selecting the right executor, you can prevent unnecessary stress and conflict for your loved ones.

Periodically Give Your Estate Plan a Check-up

It is important that you make time to review your estate plan every three to five years, just as you make time for regular health checkups or car maintenance.  Your plan may no longer be able to accomplish your goals if circumstances have changed. Start by asking these simple questions.

  • Has the size of your estate changed?

A substantial increase (or decrease) in the size of your estate could affect the distribution of your assets, particularly if you have made specific bequests to individuals or charities rather than dividing your estate proportionately.

  • Are your contingency arrangements up to date?

Are you comfortable with the individuals you named to serve as executor, health-care proxy, and durable power of attorney? Are they still willing and able to serve in those capacities? If not, have you considered a professional fiduciary to execute your plan?

  • Will your assets be distributed as you wish?

If there have been deaths, births, divorces, or disabilities in your family, your will may need to be updated and include these life changes.

  • Are the needs of minor children covered?

If you have minor children, make sure the guardian named in your will is still who you want for the job and is willing to serve. You may want to separate financial responsibility from daily care. You could name a family member to provide care for minor children and a professional fiduciary to provide financial management.

Understanding Current Laws and Regulations

It is important to be aware of laws and regulations that may impact your will. One important development is the increasing use of digital tools in the estate planning process. Many individuals now create wills and other important documents online, through platforms such as Trust & Will, LegalZoom, and Rocket Lawyer. As these tools become more widespread, it is important to check their compliance with relevant laws and regulations. For example, some states require that wills be signed in the presence of witnesses, which may not be possible in an entirely digital process. It is also important to ensure that any digital records are properly secured and protected from unauthorized access.

Another trend of note is the evolution of estate tax laws, since we do not have a permanent federal estate tax exemption. Some experts predict that lawmakers may reduce the exemption amount or increase the tax rate. As a result, it is key to review your estate plan regularly so that it reflects the current tax landscape and minimizes any potential tax liability.

Beyond these specific developments, it is crucial to keep in mind the broader legal and regulatory environment. Laws related to wills and estates are constantly evolving, and it is vital to stay up to date on any changes that may impact your plans. This may include changes in probate laws, executor requirements, and other important regulations.

Creating a will is a prudent and good decision for anyone looking to protect their assets and provide peace of mind. A carefully written will ensures that a person’s estate will be handled according to their chosen instructions. Having a well-structured document can make all the difference for those you leave behind.

Estate planning is a complex area of law that involves drafting wills, trusts, and other legal documents that govern the distribution of your assets after your death. The process can involve navigating a range of challenges, including minimizing taxes, avoiding probate, protecting your assets from creditors, and establishing guardianship for minor children. An estate planning attorney can provide valuable expertise and guidance on a wide range of estate planning matters, including drafting wills and trusts, establishing powers of attorney, creating charitable giving plans, and making arrangements for end-of-life care. Members Trust Company is here to work with you and your attorney to put an appropriate plan in place to protect you, your loved ones, and your assets. To learn more about estate planning, contact us.


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